Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Changing Culture

Our culture is changing at a breakneck pace. Some consider this good, I don't. We have become like a ship that has slipped it's moorings and is being driven by the stormy sea. At this time we don't know where we are going to come aground. We are losing all sense of our history as we are invaded by people from other cultures. They are bringing their ways here and are resisting changing. They are becoming militant in their insistence that we absorb their ways and language into our culture even if it means the death of ours.

There was a time when it was the other way around. When immigrants came to us they worked hard to learn our language and culture making it theirs. The result is that together we built a strong and vibrant nation which we were proud of. Not any more. The new immigrants, the ones that insist that the rest of us must cater to their customs are weakening not strengthening this nation. Instead of being a melting pot we have become a nation divided. Instead of homogeneously working together to better this nation we are now made up of different ethnic groups warring to gain control of segments of our society. We are a house divided and as such we as the most powerful nation on this earth cannot and will not stand. ("Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” John Adams ) Our divisions are not making us better they are destroying us from within.

I have a question for those who come here and want to keep their culture in tack. If your culture was so good for you why have you left your country to come here? Chance are you came because you want what our culture can give you. You seem to want it both ways. You want what we have and at the same time you don't want to give up any of what you have. This is not immigrating it is invasion and plundering. This melting pot has become a boiling pot of prejudices and hatred's soon to boil over in violence. The end result is that we all lose. The enemies of democracy are seeing the weaknesses this is bringing to our nations and are now preparing help tear this country to pieces. We all are about to go down with it. When this happens we will be forced to accept a new culture. One that we are not going to like.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Political Correctness

In our society of political correctness one has to be so fearful of offending anyone or any group. This so called political correctness is nothing more than censorship of speech and thought. It is making cowards of us all. Now don't get me wrong I am not advocating anyone be a bigot or intentionally defaming any group or persons. That is unless that group advocates violence and murder against others, for example Islamic Fascists. Now they will be some Islamics that will be offended by that phrase. It makes me wonder just where these people stand on suicide bombers and the killing of innocent men woman and children.

Now if you ask me Suicide Bombings are definitely politically incorrect. I don't care what their reasoning is for doing so. There is no justification for such stupid cruel and cowardly actions. Cowardly! how can I say that dying for a cause is cowardly? Well it is much easier to die for something than to live a life working to benefit a cause. Blowing yourself up is the lazy way out. They show no respect for the life they claim that their god has given them.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A New World Power In The Making

A new world power coming. While our focus is on the war in Iraq a new world power is in the process of coming together. It is happening in Europe. Already the EU's currency is rapidly becoming favored for world commerce replacing the dollar. Influenced by Germany's dynamic vision they building a strong defense. Their space program is moving out ahead of ours. Their economy is getting robust. In the not too distant future they will out pace us in almost every endeavor. Like it or not we are weakening and they are growing stronger. At this rate soon they will replace us as a world power, economically and militarily.

Our brand of democracy is declining on the world scene. In South America we see nations turning away from democracy. In the Middle East democracy is under attack. It now looks like the democratic government of Lebanon is about to be toppled. We are abandoning our greatest ally in that area as we will no longer supply Israel with the armament needed to protect itself.

Now we are no longer talking in terms of winning the war in Iraq we are no speaking of how we can strategically withdraw. A euphemism for leaving defeated. We are failing as a world power. Europe is poised to fill the vacuum we are leaving. It is destined to be an awsome and terrible power that will plunge the world into a nuclear holocaust. Talk about global warming.

Monday, February 19, 2007

And Now A Word From Our Sponsors

I hear these radio and television newscasters talking about the declining state of the world. They warn of dangers to our country coming from the Middle East, China and Venezuela. They speak about the dangers of this nation's mounting debt and the weakening of the dollar. Some shake their heads in disbelief while reporting on the antics of our government leadership. Some even warn us of the consequences of global warming. Day in and day out they report and comment on these problems and some even go so far as to hint that we are a nation in decline, then break for a commercial message. After the break they go on some other subject.

Each and every day they report all these problems. I don't hear anything about what is being done to solve them. I'm wondering if that is because other than a lot of rhetoric nothing is being done. Just maybe these problems have grown out of control and beyond our capabilities to solve. Just maybe all we can do is ride them out to the bitter end.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Global Warming - Nuclear Winter, Which

Are we a nation in rapid decline? I believe so. Why? Because we have lost our way as a people. Our greatness is gone because we tend to focus on the petty. He hurt my feelings because he said this. How dare they say that. We are drowning in a sea of politically correctness that is making cowards of us. We get behind fad causes. The latest is global warming. It's safe, it's popular. We can feel good by supporting it. It gives us something to do besides watching drug commercials on television and it makes for good conversation between totes and or drinks. We can even exercises our voices by shouting down any scientific facts that point to the opposite. This way we can tear our selves apart weakening and wrecking our economy while nations like China and India can pour all the heat causing pollutants into the atmosphere they want.

If global warming is so new how did the ancients make maps of Antarctica without the ice cover? ( The Piri Re'is Map of 1513 Besides it will only take one of the predicted, major volcanic eruption to pour enough dust into the atmosphere to cool things down. I wonder if protesting volcanoes will prevent this from happening.

I do not have any doubt that mankind is going to suffer from global warming. With this mad rush of nations to develop nuclear weapons it's only a matter of time before they are used. And let's face it, nothing can heat up the atmosphere faster than a series of nuclear explosions and then things will really cool off as we enter a Nuclear Winter. Maybe we should organize protest marches in North Korea, Iran, Egypt, Japan, Germany, Venezuela, just to name a few of the nations moving ahead to build a nuclear arsenal.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Will Lower Oil Prices Stop Iran

Will the bringing of oil prices down restrain Iran's ambition to dominate the Middle East? Will a failing economy stop their nuclear ambitions? I doubt it. If anything it may encourage them to up their time table to bring chaos to the area in preparation for the return of their Mardi or is it Mardi's. (I'm not sure which)

There are those who want to appease Iran and those who believe that Iran's leadership can be negotiated with. I'm not one of either. History has shown that appeasement doesn't work. And how does one negotiate with someone who is determined to destroy you at all costs? I don't know, can onen negotiate with a suicide bomber or a state who's regime believes that it is their destiny to bring chaos upon the world? What can we possibly offer them that will cause them to abandon this perceived destiny? I don't believe that it will do any good to offer them more wealth. They have dedicated the wealth they have to their goal.

Men of reason believe that all men can be reasoned with but history proves them wrong. Our Western minds do not comprehend the religious fervor of a people that will happily die to bring about their cause. This is beyond reason.

Those who believe that they can negotiate with this adversary in reality have no respect for them. The negotiators believe that Iranians will sell out for something we can give them. They believe we can in effect bribe them out of their beliefs and committment to destroy us. They don't even believe that they mean what they are saying. Now that is disrespect and hypocracy.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Oil Wars?

Not too long ago I was watching the Glenn Beck show. It seems that he is frustrated with the inaction's of our Congressional representatives. Later in the show he did bring out an interesting hypothesis on why the price of oil is going down. He attributes it to a possible agreement between Vice President Cheney and Saudi Arabia. He believes this lowering of oil prices is a plan to cut deeply into Iran's oil revenues thereby wrecking it's economy. If it is true I would agree with Glenn Beck in that it is a brilliant plan. Will it work? I doubt it. The oil corporations are too greedy to sustain such a plan for one and I see a danger in that it may force Iran to military action against Saudi Arabia. At the same time it will act as incentive to Iran to step up it's development of nuclear weapons to push the world into war.

Then again Iran may very well get together with other oil producing nations that are not friendly towards us and cut off the supply of oil. This move would wreck our economy as well as putting a great deal of pressure upon the rest of the world. This could lead to military action also. I come to this conclusion because Iran's leadership wants to and is planning to plunge the world into chaos in preparation for the return of their Mardi. So the way I see it with or without oil money they will work very hard towards this goal.

It certainly looks like the Atomic Scientists are right in moving to hands of the doomsday clock closer to midnight.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

The Sell Off Before The End

Some of our state governments are selling off our highways to foreign investors. What can they be thinking? Are the people we put in office really that short sighted? Are we the people going to let them get away with it?

At this rate it won't be long before the days of the United States being a great and prosperous nation are over. Our nation cannot survive because we as a people have abandoned the God of our forefathers: the God who established this nation and blessed it for hundreds of years. Because we have done this we have become a cursed nation. We are experiencing disaster upon disaster and they will continue to come upon us until we return to our God or until we are a nation no more.

It doesn't take much foresight to see that we are fighting our last war. Here we are the most powerful nation on this earth and we cannot win a war against small bands of religious gangsters. We have lost our will to fight and win at a time when we are surrounded by enemies. Enemies that we won't be able to buy off much longer.

Will this downhill spiral be reversed? Not with the weak and divided leadership we have. Our gods of science, education, and industry are powerless to stop it. It will take an act of God. The very God we have abandoned, so that we can do our own thing in our own way. Unless we return to this God we are a doomed nation.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Our Online Society

We live in a time when people are becoming less and less likely to gather together in face to face groups instead they are forming online social groups on the internet. No longer are they socializing in close physical proximity with others instead they are communing with typewritten words on a computer screen. The anonymity of this practice seems to give people the courage to openly share private details of their lives. These computer conversations can become very intimate and in some cases cathartic.

Online social meetings also allows people create fantasy worlds with fantasy identities. Because distance means nothing one can socialize with others from around the globe. Next door or halfway around the world people are kept a safe 18 to 24 inches or so (the distance to the computer monitor) from each other.

While many of these online meetings are casual and friendly there are those relationships that are built on deceit. These become sinister when they lead to a face to face meeting. There is frequent reports in the news of sexual predators seducing children to meet with them.

I don't feel comfortable having a relationship by internet. I need to be able to look another person in the eyes and have them look into my eyes before I can feel any closeness to them. I can find no warmth or any true bonding in a computer screen. So for me Internet social networking is just a form of entertainment and a way to build very casual relationships, nothing deep or lasting.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Evolution an Unscientific Theory

There are those who have been convinced that the so-called theory of evolution is fact. I am not one of them. Science has yet to come up with the first cause of life. Try as they may they have been unsuccessful in creating life out of nothing in the laboratories. You see they keep coming up against one of the basic laws of bio geneses which states that life can only come from pre-existing life. So those who accept evolution as fact are really doing so on faith not provable scientific findings. Like it or not the theory of evolution is a faith, a religion complete with it's priesthood and gurus.

When presenting the case for evolution they use words and phrases like "could have", maybe, possible, in all probability. Although lately they have dropped the word theory from evolution and simply state that it is a fact and not a theory. That's one way of proving the un-provable.
As evidence for evolution they point to the fossil record. That's all well and good except fossils do not prove evolution they just prove that certain species existed at one time or another. They do not prove that one species came from another.

The evolution scientists have yet to come up with why and how the human mind with it's ability to reason is so superior to any in the animal kingdom. They say it's only a matter of time before they do. Probably given a few million years they will.

If the scientific method is based on observable facts then evolution has to be questioned. Some observable facts are that dogs have puppies, cats have kittens, apes have ape and humans have humans. There is no evidence that throwing a few million years of time into the mix will cause something different. Has anyone ever observed anything left to itself ever evolve up into something superior rather than degenerating?

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Life Is Difficult

One would think that with all the scientific and technological advancement that have been made life would have become easier rather than increasingly difficult.

Why isn't it easier? I'm thinking that it is because we have lost our way. In our rush to get more, we have let the things that make life joyous and pleasant go by the wayside. It seems as though we have lost respect for life. Others are no longer wanted additions to our lives. That is unless they can aid us in getting something we want and only as long as they do. Mostly people are perceived to be a threat or a burden. Our society is rapidly losing the joys of close families and close friendships. Instead we move in superficial circles seeking, always seeking to fill the emptiness that is in us. When we do find someone or something that seems to fill that hole, we are not satisfied for long. The hole comes back and we are again seeking.

Our lives are increasingly fearful as we betray and are betrayed. We erect emotional walls to protect ourselves. Problem is, these walls become our prison, trapping us inside a shrinking world of our own making. We long to trust but find the list of those we can growing smaller and smaller. Then the day comes when we find ourselves feeling lonely even when we are in a crowd. The things that make life a joy are long gone. We replace true human companionship with pets and or objects.

We look for ways to ease our pain. We keep busy entertaining ourself so we don't have to feel the emptiness. We eventually lose our ability to love. Why is this happening? Jesus looking down the passage of time into the present said, Mat 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

iniquity: 1:lawlessness 2:Absence of moral or spiritual values