Thursday, February 8, 2007

The Sell Off Before The End

Some of our state governments are selling off our highways to foreign investors. What can they be thinking? Are the people we put in office really that short sighted? Are we the people going to let them get away with it?

At this rate it won't be long before the days of the United States being a great and prosperous nation are over. Our nation cannot survive because we as a people have abandoned the God of our forefathers: the God who established this nation and blessed it for hundreds of years. Because we have done this we have become a cursed nation. We are experiencing disaster upon disaster and they will continue to come upon us until we return to our God or until we are a nation no more.

It doesn't take much foresight to see that we are fighting our last war. Here we are the most powerful nation on this earth and we cannot win a war against small bands of religious gangsters. We have lost our will to fight and win at a time when we are surrounded by enemies. Enemies that we won't be able to buy off much longer.

Will this downhill spiral be reversed? Not with the weak and divided leadership we have. Our gods of science, education, and industry are powerless to stop it. It will take an act of God. The very God we have abandoned, so that we can do our own thing in our own way. Unless we return to this God we are a doomed nation.

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