Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Changing World

The world is changing rapidly. In many ways not for the good. In a world with all sorts of mass communication many are struggling with a sense of isolation and feelings of alienation. At a time of information overload I see much confusion around me. It seems to me that the moral guidelines the great achievers of the past have used to guide their decisions have been maligned and abandoned. This leaves our society in the dangerous and sad place where everyone does what is right in their own eyes. The refrain "It's okay as long as you don't harm anyone"is often heard. The problem with this self-centered thinking is that different people define 'harm" differently. And who is the "anyone"? Could it be the child next door who is looking to us adults for examples of behavior that brings pleasant consequences. Let's face it, whether like it or not, there are certain laws that govern the universe and if we break them, in time they will break us.

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