Monday, February 19, 2007

And Now A Word From Our Sponsors

I hear these radio and television newscasters talking about the declining state of the world. They warn of dangers to our country coming from the Middle East, China and Venezuela. They speak about the dangers of this nation's mounting debt and the weakening of the dollar. Some shake their heads in disbelief while reporting on the antics of our government leadership. Some even warn us of the consequences of global warming. Day in and day out they report and comment on these problems and some even go so far as to hint that we are a nation in decline, then break for a commercial message. After the break they go on some other subject.

Each and every day they report all these problems. I don't hear anything about what is being done to solve them. I'm wondering if that is because other than a lot of rhetoric nothing is being done. Just maybe these problems have grown out of control and beyond our capabilities to solve. Just maybe all we can do is ride them out to the bitter end.

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