Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A New World Power In The Making

A new world power coming. While our focus is on the war in Iraq a new world power is in the process of coming together. It is happening in Europe. Already the EU's currency is rapidly becoming favored for world commerce replacing the dollar. Influenced by Germany's dynamic vision they building a strong defense. Their space program is moving out ahead of ours. Their economy is getting robust. In the not too distant future they will out pace us in almost every endeavor. Like it or not we are weakening and they are growing stronger. At this rate soon they will replace us as a world power, economically and militarily.

Our brand of democracy is declining on the world scene. In South America we see nations turning away from democracy. In the Middle East democracy is under attack. It now looks like the democratic government of Lebanon is about to be toppled. We are abandoning our greatest ally in that area as we will no longer supply Israel with the armament needed to protect itself.

Now we are no longer talking in terms of winning the war in Iraq we are no speaking of how we can strategically withdraw. A euphemism for leaving defeated. We are failing as a world power. Europe is poised to fill the vacuum we are leaving. It is destined to be an awsome and terrible power that will plunge the world into a nuclear holocaust. Talk about global warming.

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